In the quaint neighborhood of Grant Park, a recently gentrified neighborhood where quaint houses are still being restored and graffiti is a legitimate form of business advertisement, restaurants here seem to follow a rustic design and a similar class of food. Ria’s Bluebird, a daily breakfast and lunch place, offers one of the best Southwestern […]
Month: April 2011
Eating Atlanta: Burgers around Atlanta
Too often, Tech students limit their food options to standard on-campus fare without realizing there are dozens of restaurants on the Tech perimeter. The lunchtime hamburger should be a sufficient reason to jump just off campus to grab some good grub during those solid eight-hour class days. While making your way to labs and classes […]
Eating Atlanta: Spice Market
Midtown’s stretch of Peachtree Street NE is a rich belt of fine restaurants, bars, and original eateries. Situated on the north end of the belt inside the W Hotel, Spice Market offers an intriguing experience and cuisine but doesn’t quite substantiate its price level. Spice Market’s two key points of interest are the “tasting menu” […]