
I’m a civic technologist and design researcher, investigating how design and innovative technologies could best be used to improve public services and opportunities for civic engagement. I earned M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction at Georgia Tech, while I researched civic media, food security, and urban computing primarily with the Public Design Workshop. Then I led design and research on several emerging tech (blockchain, quantum, cloud) solutions at IBM while collaborating with civic hackers and activists in the US. And now I actually do that civic tech thing full time at Truss with some amazing people in an amazing work environment.

This website

Like this site’s look and feel? It’s my own WordPress theme, available on my Github profile. The fonts are Charter and Proxima Nova, using my non-profit license.

Copyright and licensing

All work hosted on andyhub.com that is not my own creation is attributed to its creator on the page linking to that work. For example, the image used for the Open Ghana project was created by Mikaela and Nick, as described at the bottom of that page. Please contact the original owner of works if you’d like to use them.

All work here on andyhub.com not attributed to someone else or not in the public domain is my own work. The copyright for such is sometimes described on the work itself or in a file usually named “LICENSE” in its file directory. Otherwise, code and programs are released under GPLv2, and everything else is released under CC BY-SA 4.0.

I use Google Analytics, including Demographics and Interest Reports and Platform. So if you’re not cool with that kinda thing, consider using Google’s opt-out extension and EFF’s Privacy Badger extension.

Also, read this: Privacy Policy