Mandatory Patriotism


Mandatory civil service, though largely beneficial to the country’s infrastructure, is not a plausible feat for this generation. “Service in America is so vital because it is decentralized and privately organize, addresses perceive needs, and grows out of people’s sense f duty and compassion” (B). The idea of the U.S.’s society shows that patriotism may not be forced, but it arises from voluntary contribution to one’s community. Mandating patriotism in a fashion that is federally directed centralizes and prioritizes tasks, thus rendering one’s service irrelevant to personal pride or patriotism. “Mandatory military service… could cure many of our societal ills and allow American teenagers to try to reach their potential” (D). Whereas it is historically proven that democracy cannot be spread by the barrel of a gun, conscription certainly will not “cure” any teenager’s woes or disadvantages. The American adolescence – already bearing rigorous school work, a job, personal life, and intense hormonal workouts – will not suddenly, magically, thoroughly convert its nihilistic, brazen ways to a Spartan stereotype of a soldier youth, rather it would be degraded. “If there is no right to live for one’s own sake, there are no rights at all” (E). A democratic government, though ostensibly performing in the best interest of society, would clearly overstep its duties when it requires its constituents to abandon their own pursuits, their own “American Dreams,” to execute the interest of Orwellian leaders. The resolution to the nation’s deficiencies should not be to burden those who already bear it with the mandatory service.