Atlanta’s Prima printing company hired me to optimize their e-commerce business. Within months I became an indispensable tech lead to the whole company.

Atlanta’s Prima printing company hired me to optimize their e-commerce business. Within months I became an indispensable tech lead to the whole company.
What happens to unsold or just-out-of-date food? Waste. Gleanhub could prevent this by connecting businesses to hungry people.
How I helped the Friends of English Avenue to explore improvements to their community vegetable garden via digital media and interaction design.
Urban planning over the last century has evolved from the idealism of a classical political utopia, to modern planning of “new towns,” to postmodern decentralization. Since the industrial revolution, urban centers have grown into sprawling metropolises as waves of people relocate from the countryside. As they grow and change, innumerable factors contribute to their growing […]
A community approach to helping people know, learn, and improve local food systems.
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